Thursday, March 11, 2010

Illegal Immigration Inconvenience

It’s just my opinion but… the solution to illegal immigration does not come in the form of a Federal ID card.

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past decade, you know that illegal immigration is a growing problem in the United States. Now, Congress wants every working American to carry a national biometric id card in order to stop illegal immigration. The thought is that if they cannot work in the United States they will not come.

For those of you who are unaware, the plan is to have every working American carry a biometric id card that would be similar to your driver’s license but would contain information on it such as your fingerprints. This way, employers can scan this card along with your fingerprints and within seconds determine if you are who you say you are.

With this piece of legislation, all legal workers would have to carry the card and those who are illegal would not be able to obtain one. In other words, punish the innocent to pinpoint the guilty!

Now, I am all for stopping the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States but this should be a last resort not the first response. If the U.S. Government would stop them from entering the country then we would not have to worry about them getting jobs.

My first thought on how to stop the flow of illegal immigration into the U.S. would be to militarize the border; however, I do understand the perception that would give the rest of the world and the U.S does not want to be seen that way. Point taken!

My next thought would be to actually deport these people as they are discovered in the U.S. instead of extending constitutional protections to them. The way I see it is, if you are not a citizen, resident alien or here on some sort of visa you have no rights in this country!

For all of my Florida residents, you may be asking yourself why should we be throwing these immigrants out but allowing Cubans to enter the country due to the “Wet foot, Dry Foot” law?

For those of you who don’t know, this law extends citizenship rights to Cuban refugees who make it to the Florida coast. If they make it they can stay, if they don’t, they are sent back. The key word here is Refugee. Webster’s Dictionary defines refugee as a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution. Which is what the people of Cuba face; Mexico, not so much!

Stop them from coming in or kick them out when you find them. It is just that simple. Why should an American born citizen be required to apply for and maintain an additional form of ID, that I feel, violates my rights as a citizen? Its time to put up or shut up regarding immigration and institute a plan that works while staying out of my personal life and my wallet! Punish the guilty not the innocent!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Huge problem no easy solutions. I see both sides on this one. The card seems a little like the beginning of the book of Revelations ramping up!!
